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Telford SENDIASS Steering Group

Terms of Reference

All Local Authorities in England have a statutory duty to ensure that parents, carers and young people have access to accurate and impartial information advice and support.


SENDIASS Telford and Wrekin operates “arms-length” from the Local Authority.  The service is delivered by Telford and Wrekin Council for Voluntary Services on behalf of Telford and Wrekin Council.This allows the service to maintain an independent and is accessible to a wide range of parents/carers, children and young people within the wider community. 


SENDIASS Telford and Wrekin must comply with the Minimum National standards 2018 and the SEN Code of Practice 2015. 


Role of SENDIASS Telford and Wrekin



  • Arrange the venue. 

  • Circulate the agenda and record minutes of meetings.

  • Work with TWSG to recruit, induct and retain a broad representation of members of TWSG. 

  • Promote a fair and open nomination process for both members and the Chair.

  • Update on matters arising nationally from IASSN. Network on issues concerning both local and national policies.  Provide professional advice to the TWSG in terms of legislation, outcomes, key performance indicators, service developments. 

  • Provide support to members to carry out their role.

  • Ensure that policies, procedures and practices are up to date and remain itemised on the agenda.

  • Invite members to access any training opportunities wherever capacity allows. 

  • Ensure support is provided to the Chair.

  • Support and co-ordinate the young people group to enable their views to be fed into this steering group.

  • Review terms of Reference.


Telford and Wrekin SENDIASS Steering Group aim is to improve outcomes for children and young people with Special Educational Needs as follows:

  • Parents/carers, children and young people have access to timely, accurate and impartial information including advice and support.  This enables parents/carers young people to take an informed and active role in the decision- making process. 

  • To promote the development of the service to deliver a high quality “arms -length” service that is responsive to local needs, taking into account best practice both nationally and locally

  • Promote partnership working between parent, carers, young people, schools, Local Authority and other services to ensure the views of parents/carers children and young people are listened to. 


Role of the Steering Group:


  • Promote positive relationships and work in true partnership with a wide range of parents/carers, schools, Local Authority and other services regarding special educational needs, including parents who have used the service.

  • To seek solutions for improvement in a positive and constructive way

  • Influence Service development and identify and promote good practice both nationally and locally.

  • Oversee activities and discuss key issues that are relevant to TW SENDIASS work

  • Provide a clear pathway for regular feedback to the Local Authority to influence decisions on local services, policies, practices and procedures and ensuring that there is clear understanding with the Local Authority on the role of the service

  • Key Partner for consultation and representation in relation to the development of SEND.

  • Ensure that Telford and Wrekin SENDIASS is engaged as a key partner in relation to Telford and Wrekin Children’s and Adult Service Development

  • Its important the steering group isn’t used as an opportunity for voicing individual concerns about services except those directly welcomed by SENDIASS Telford and Wrekin

  • Actively seek parent/carer, children, and young people’s views in relation to their SEN and to provide an opportunity for consultation and feedback to promote both service development and engagement with other key service providers.



SENDIASS remit has widened to include providing information, advice and support across health and social care.   It is vital that this steering group comprises representatives from key stakeholders including health, social care, education, voluntary sector, young people, parents/carers, parent forums, connections, early years, and other agencies working with children, young people and their parents 0-25 with SEN.  There Members will be invited to volunteer on specific tasks agreed by this steering group. .  There will be a focus on a specific group for young people which will feed into this steering group.   Members will be equal partners.  The individual skills, knowledge and views that each member brings to the steering group will be recognised and valued.

This steering group will as a minimum meet termly, 3 x yearly.  Separate like minded focus groups may meet more regularly. New members will take part in an induction to their role lead by SENDIASS before becoming part of this steering group and agree to adhere to the terms of reference and role description. 

Members will support and promote SENDIASS wherever possible and work together ensuring that their own agency/group feeds into the steering group their views and feedback to their own agency. 




Each member is responsible for ensuring all information contained in reports and shared at meetings is confidential and not shared outside of the steering group without prior permission or until such time it is published.

Format and Structure:


Agendas and any information to be circulated in advance.  The meetings will be of an informal nature to welcome and value contributions from all its members.  Informal networking will be encouraged.

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